Emily Wright

Emily Wright

A new series: Lesson Notes

Back when I started this blog, social media was a sort of nascent entity—we had no idea if it would stick around or fall into the waste bin of internet things that didn’t last. It was easy to do what…

Spring Cello Studio Class!

If you’re a late intermediate to early advanced cellist and have wanted to study with a group of other students at a similar level, there are four more spots left in the Tamarack Arts spring studio class. It’s a really…

progress report

So. We’re in Connecticut. If you had told me 10 years ago that I’d be turning new private students down and living in a posh small town in southwestern New England, I’d have said you were crazy. As it turns…

(mostly) excellent advice on quick passages

Noa Kageyama’s Bulletproof Musician has long been a source of insightful, thought-provoking advice, so I wasn’t at all surprised when one of my students sent me a post last week talking about getting tricky passages up to speed that was…