It’s been quiet, but there are several monster posts in progress—the average working time on the larger technique-focused detailed piece is 10 hours from start to finish—and a video that follows the break-in process on a new set of Warchal Brilliant strings.

Starting around March, I’m going to try out a subscription/membership model. Nothing too crazy, but the amount of work and proprietary information I have given away for free (or had heisted) over the years is bonkers. I have seen ideas that were peculiarly specific to me used by other people with zero attribution. I’ve had entire curricula stolen, down to the aesthetics of the slide presentation. I’ve posted lessons focused on vulnerability and being okay with imperfections and had the Insecure Dude Brigade show up, and, cleverly missing the entire point, emailing me a long list of reasons why I suck. No more.

I won’t put everything behind a paywall, but the community of wonderful colleagues and dedicated students I’ve built in the last 18 years (!!!) can only benefit from a little insulation from the RestOfTheInternet™️. In the member areas, we won’t have to edit ourselves or worry about what the jerks might do. No jerks allowed, period!

There will be a few levels of membership: the read-only will be super affordable, a few dollars at most. Subsequent levels will have some pretty cool benefits, including access to PDFs of every presentation I own the rights to, early access to chapters of my forthcoming books, email, text, and video support for your private practice, participation in salons (great if you’re looking for outlets to perform), and discounts for one-off lessons and events. I’ll add to the list over time, and would love to hear any suggestions as to what would make something like this interesting and worthwhile.

Until next time, then.

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