Emily Wright

Emily Wright

Relaunch imminent!

First off, if you’re here because you were looking for the Tamarack Arts website, hi! In the next month or so, this site will relaunch with a new, simplified look, and will gradually populate with new posts, events, podcast topics,…


Thank you for stopping by! The first iteration of this site was Stark Raving Cello: a Blogger site where I took turns opining, explaining, and ranting about whatever came into my 28-year-old brain. The name of the blog was accurate!…

Heads up!

Things have been quiet here, but behind the scenes, I’ve been working furiously. The remainder of 2024 is set to be a busy time. I’m slowly populating the calendar here: Top of the list is submitting a proposal for…

Lesson Prep Minisode!

If you have lesson anxiety or find it hard to strike a balance between caring about the result (essential!) and holding yourself accountable for every tiny flaw (misery!), have a listen to this. Lots of love to all the tender…

Finding Walden

There is a nature preserve not too far from where we reside that has a bench with an excerpt from Thoreau’s Walden pressed into it. In the spring and summer, the place runs wild with ferns, soft moss and lichen,…