Emily Wright

Emily Wright

tuesday night practice stream

This November, I’m going to be streaming an hour of my practice on Zoom one night a week! This will be my real, actual practice, with no commentary (with the exception of my own mutterings) and no interaction with viewers,…

New podcast episode up NOW!

After a million years and so much change around here, allow me to present the next episode of Lonely Cello, featuring my best friend in the whole world, Cari Ann Souter. In between bouts of laughter and a few wild…

Announcing Tamarack Arts!

April and May have been absolutely wild. It’s funny how you can spend so much time wanting something to happen, and working for it to happen, and when it happens as a sort of avalanche of sudden progress, the first…

Next Book: The First Hour by Amit Peled

What a wild couple months it’s been around here! Tamarack Arts launched, a semester culminated, new students onboarding, some students moving on…but the year of professional development continues! For July, I’m going to be writing about (and doing a podcast…

March Jumble!

Been a little quiet here, but not because there’s been nothing going on. Late in February, I gave a talk to EMSO, a fabulous group of focused and hardworking amateur musicians in Minnesota. Preparing for seminars like these forces you…

vibrato thoughts

I have had exactly one (1) student who just took to vibrato naturally, right off the bat. For everyone else, myself included, the process leans towards a months-long series of conceptual introductions, tweaks, and assessments. I teach the rotation method,…

next up: The Inner Game of Tennis

While every text on the list will be available for open-ended discussion, the podcast and Instagram live stuff will be contemporaneous with my reading/finishing them. Next up is the classic The Inner Game of Tennis (buy it here or find…

much better merch!

I’m adding more stuff to the new TeePublic shop all the time. Don’t be fooled by the name: it’s not just tees (although I chose them specifically because their shirts are soft and excellent quality- I was a customer before…