Report from the field

Day 2 (my last) of Cosi Fan Tutte: “some assembly required” is upon us. I spaced and forgot my USB cable, so none of the nicer real camera photos are going […]

Off to Atlanta in the morning

Top 10 things I like about DC/Baltimore area, in no particular order: 4. (Well, I told you it was in no particular order) The Potomac River. 6. Old, old trees. […]

Tour details!

In case you’re not on the epic GoogleWave I’ve created to coordinate the tour and are interested in taking a lesson in either DC/Baltimore or Atlanta, here is the sign […]


Leaving Los Angeles, at dawn. Palm Springs wind farm. Somewhere in the tail end of Arizona or the beginning of New Mexico. This turned into a real hum-dinger. Just outside […]

once more, with feeling

I have talked big and small game about doing a swing out to a few cities for master classes and private lessons. This time, I think I’ll actually go to […]

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