Veterans Day. This morning, I was scanning what people had to say in their blogs and various social media outlets. One guy, a friend of mine, said something […]
As a kid, people always asked what I wanted to do when I grew up. Maybe they could already detect my ill-fated and inconvenient relationship with music and were testing […]
on regrets, dancing, and being alive
I had a pretty significant health scare back in the spring. It was to the point that they thought I may have had less than 5 years left. I […]
on writing.
I work really hard when I write. It’s some of the most enjoyable time I spend (tied with practicing cello, dancing, and flying). A few years ago, I hassled the […]
Cheers, Socrates! A commentary on YouTube haters.
I’m used to being misunderstood. Heck, I’m used to being understood and then despised for what I genuinely mean. Anyone who has ever posted or commented on YouTube knows that […]
From the mailbag.
Today, I got two emails. One, from someone I have known for a long time. Another, from someone I have never met before. Email #1: Hi again, I’m no avid […]
The Best Valentine’s Day Ever
You know you love the music. Buy it here.
Choosing Happiness
There has been much tragedy in my life. At least half of it actually happened. -Mark Twain I get a lot of stick from some of my most beloved blog/Twitter […]
The real me.
Ask anyone who has ventured into the deep end of music teaching about how they balance performance and pedagogy, and you are bound to get all kinds of answers. In […]
Thanks, Jackie.
If you had any questions about it, now you have an answer. You should play some cello. You just should.