candelabra wanted

One of my long-term students is following her heart and moving with her husband to Nepal to do some missionary work. While I’m sad to see her go, I’m thrilled […]

rewiring project

    I’m always deeply touched by stories like this, (where thousands of people are getting together to make a kid’s wish come true)– and I think part of it […]

chattin’ with Lucy

I have no idea how Lucy has such technical know-how, but this just happened (you may need to click to enlarge):   The fundraiser got me a huge start towards […]


“I don’t want to hear myself cry”. I find incredible depth in those words, and in their timing.             Ellen took it to the next […]

I have the best students.

As a thank you for helping him choose an instrument, one of my students drew this for me: a Marine playing the cello.   This could not be a more […]

memorial day, 2012

Excerpted from Rupert Brooke’s sonnet 1914: III : The Dead Blow out, you bugles, over the rich Dead! There’s none of these so lonely and poor of old, But, dying, has […]

what do you play for?

…and by play, I mean “do your thing”. I know this blog is read by all kinds of people who have nothing to do with cello: members of the military, […]

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