Things have been quiet here, but behind the scenes, I’ve been working furiously. The remainder of 2024 is set to be a busy time. I’m slowly populating the calendar here:

Top of the list is submitting a proposal for the 2025 ASTA conference. They have specifically requested proposals concerning adult learning (finally!!!) and even if I am not selected to present, it’s a promising move. In the near-ish distance, there may be a doctoral program focusing on performance psychology, with an emphasis on the gap between sports psych and musicians. There are commonalities, to be sure, but the differences are significant. If we want to improve the lives of performers, it’s important to be honest about how much crossover there is between distal disciplines; where some ideas have traction and others don’t relate. I would also like to examine the effects of easy access to recording, ubiquitous technology, social media, and wellness culture on performers.

If you’d like to join the Tamarack Arts summer studio class online, it starts June 2nd, although we will be taking enrollments through June 9th for any latecomers.

June 15th, I will be hosting a free event featuring Nick Revel and his brilliant series Dragon Scales . Register here to receive the Zoom link and the first book in the series.

The studio class takes us through the middle of July, which gives me just enough time to breathe before the in-person Summer Intensive program at Wisdom House, August 3-6. As of the time of publishing, there are two slots remaining. I will update this if that figure changes. If you’re interested, click here for more info.

My regular private studio and other stuff (composing, writing, looking for a publisher) commences again in September.

I will be on the west coast for the majority of November. The details are still coming together, but I know I’ll be giving a workshop and doing some private coaching at my beloved undergrad alma mater CSUN starting November 12th, and will be holding several Tamarack Arts events (including one in San Diego) for small groups. If you’d like to get on the schedule for a private lesson or want to participate in one of the off-campus events, email: contact at emily wright dot net.

In December, I will likely reprise the Emoting 101 course that was held last year. It will be limited to 5 participants, as the curriculum adjusts to address each student’s particular needs. If all goes to plan, enrollment opens up in September. More soon!



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