
Ed: Now with more soundy sound! 


I’ve been secretive about book #2, but I suppose it won’t hurt to divulge the general idea: it’s a series of études for the repertoire, designed to help cellists on […]

the Amazon

While it does not net me nearly as much revenue as my beloved Lulu, it is pretty exciting to have my book offered on Amazon! I am working feverishly on […]


One of my students, upon receiving my book and inspecting it offered the following: “If you’d like a nicer cover, I’d be willing to help you.” Thanks. Thanks for that.

It lives!

Today, with trembling cursor and my trusty editor holding my hand via iChat, my first book, A Modern Cellist’s Manual was born. This book was the culmination of my experiences […]

Two years!

I am in the absolute throes of book finishing right now. I hope you are patient enough (and that this blog and my site have been compelling enough) to wait […]

working on the book

Aah, zee cello. Look how relaxed and peaceful she is when playing zuh second finger wis good techniques. Zut alors! It is ‘orrible, zis shape! Yes, I am actually going […]


When I originally submitted my manuscript to Oxford, I received a very cordial letter of not-quite rejection, not exactly acceptance. It praised the vibe of the book, the formatting, content, […]

back in the saddle again

I really detest summer. Don’t get me wrong: I have all sorts of happy memories from the summer months, but the weather had nothing to do with the happiness. I […]

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