Tag the book


I’ve been secretive about book #2, but I suppose it won’t hurt to divulge the general idea: it’s a series of études for the repertoire, designed to help cellists on their first passes through some of the hallmark pieces .…

the Amazon

While it does not net me nearly as much revenue as my beloved Lulu, it is pretty exciting to have my book offered on Amazon! I am working feverishly on the next text, which is not the sequel to AMCM.…


One of my students, upon receiving my book and inspecting it offered the following: “If you’d like a nicer cover, I’d be willing to help you.” Thanks. Thanks for that.

It lives!

Today, with trembling cursor and my trusty editor holding my hand via iChat, my first book, A Modern Cellist’s Manual was born. This book was the culmination of my experiences teaching mostly adults. Having largely rebooted my technique as a…

Two years!

I am in the absolute throes of book finishing right now. I hope you are patient enough (and that this blog and my site have been compelling enough) to wait and see the transformation I have planned for the whole…

working on the book

Aah, zee cello. Look how relaxed and peaceful she is when playing zuh second finger wis good techniques. Zut alors! It is ‘orrible, zis shape! Yes, I am actually going to put that second one in the book. 🙂 photos…


When I originally submitted my manuscript to Oxford, I received a very cordial letter of not-quite rejection, not exactly acceptance. It praised the vibe of the book, the formatting, content, and even the images I selected. The editor suggested that…

back in the saddle again

I really detest summer. Don’t get me wrong: I have all sorts of happy memories from the summer months, but the weather had nothing to do with the happiness. I actually had to forgive the memories of their hot weather…