Oh my god, you guys

The last two years have been just…really…something. Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of a particularly gnarly moment in what has been a period of almost exclusively gnarly moments, and […]

goings on

  After 8 months in Mpls, I’m headed back to DC! Nothing against the Twin Cities: in fact, I am inspired by so many people and things about this place. […]


  I came to DC in 2011, but unlike Baltimore before it, this place is about as far away from home as I can imagine. I am utterly out of […]

unexpected finds

  I was chatting with a friend from California the other day and he said it seems like I’ve adjusted to east coast living. It got me thinking about the […]

It’s official.

I’m moving to DC in July! More info as I get it. It’s not too soon to contact me for lessons: After my first course at Hopkins in mid-July, I’m […]

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