After 8 months in Mpls, I’m headed back to DC! Nothing against the Twin Cities: in fact, I am inspired by so many people and things about this place. But DC feels like home, and I’ve been offered a position at the International School of Music in Bethesda, which I accepted gleefully.  They’ve also given me the green light to start some group classes for adults, and I’m hopefully going to do an intensive on performance anxiety and another on emoting and musicality for intermediate players before 2017 is rung in. Of course, I’ll have my private studio as well. Contact me if you’d like to start lessons or come see what the hubbub’s all about at SCOR Chesapeake.

My first day at the International School is June 29, so I’ll load up the Cello-mobile sometime around the 25th and head east at first light.

My arm is still on the road to recovery, doing better nearly every day. On that note, my full-session seminars at SCOR (Heartland and Chesapeake) will address injury prevention and treatment, which I will share with all of you good people shortly thereafter. I’ve also been offered a slot in a friend’s string quartet in DC, and I’m looking forward to that nearly as much as walks on the Kensington train tracks, slushies at Estadio, and watching Caps dev camp.

I’d like to visit more of you: if you can gather 5 or more friends who’d be interested in having a private lesson/workshop experience, please let me know!


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