Longtime readers may remember I used to have a separate Blogger site devoted to wine and food called The Thirsty Cellist. I abandoned it to focus on school and cello-y things, and it has since been taken over by some rando who has nothing to do wine or cello, from the look of it. Now that I’ve decided to keep my studio small (and wonderful, all the same), I’m venturing into winemaking in a much more earnest way. I’ve applied for the UC Davis Viticulture and Enology program, am taking remedial college chemistry, reading sheaves of text, and am tasting as much as my barren pocketbook will allow me to.

Wine and music seem to go hand in hand- both have cultural epicenters in Italy, Germany, and France, both have new and old world styles, both require immense discipline to deliver quality and beauty.

I’m going to be posting pictures, talking about the winemaking process, doing some tasting notes, hopefully asking and answering some questions, all in the hopes of coming out the other end of it in roughly two years’ time, able to get an assistant cellar job. Can you imagine cello retreats at a vineyard BECAUSE I CAN!

Yours in cello-y thirst,


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