I heart my students

Originally posted 5 July 2007. This brings back so many memories! One of these students, Jeremy Boersma, is now a professional cellist with a bustling studio of his own and […]

I have the best students.

As a thank you for helping him choose an instrument, one of my students drew this for me: a Marine playing the cello.   This could not be a more […]

The Nice Lady

As some of you may have gathered, I’m hustling out here in Baltimore. Gone are the days of composers calling me up for last-minute tv gigs, of weeks full of […]

This looks cool!

I got a flyer in the mail for this, and it seems perfectly suited for adult student cellists. Here’s their gallery from last year.

The Perfect Teacher.

It’s me! No, not really. Good gravy. But I frequently am the recipient of students who bring with them some seriously low expectations and occasionally, horror stories. Yesterday, I offered […]

2010: A Lousy Blog Post Retrospective, part 1

Inspired by Travis‘ idea, I now present you 2010: A Lousy Blog Post Retrospective. He noted that some of his favorite posts were the ones with either zero reaction or active […]

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