focus on: why PT sometimes doesn’t help, plus slides from the CU lecture

I just started PT at the Jackson Clinics in Old Town, where the difference between it and previous PT shops I’ve worked with is astonishing. With the exception of the care I got at Courage Kenny in MN (second to none, no holds barred), PT had never been noticeably helpful for me, for a few […]

focus on: at-home prevention and treatment

I’ll do a more substantial update on TOS and my most recent surgery, which was a two-level disc replacement in my cervical spine on April 3. But for today, I’d like to offer a few things I’ve picked up over the last decade that are low-risk and high reward for nearly everybody, and especially people […]

the long and (re)winding road, part 3

A slight rewind. On October 20, 1997, my parents and I were in a car accident. They had come into LA to celebrate my birthday, and as we crossed Nordhoff St. on Etiwanda Ave., an octogenarian having a diabetic seizure ran the red light and slammed into the side of our car. It was a […]

the long and winding road, part 1

I had a lot of time to think, driving back and forth from Heartland SCOR this weekend. It’s about 12 hours round trip from Minneapolis to Le Claire, Iowa. This picture was taken after nearly running out of gas in a cornfield 20 miles down a long dusty road. I got off the highway because […]

vintage srcb, part 3: pinky pressure

Originally posted 9 January, 2008. This, and the next one, are two of the most popular posts on SRCB, according to the Google-mo-tron.   Another darling of our community, CelloGirl has stress when it comes to her pinky joint. A portion of her comment reads, “…Sore pinky joint. This one I struggle with quite a bit. […]

Borodin 2, in a day.

As part of my gig at AACC, I come in every other week and play with their orchestra and do stuff like run sectionals and make terrible puns from the back of the cellos. I emailed the conductor and asked her what we were playing, just so I could dig through my parts and freshen […]

Oniony practice

There are many ways in which practice, especially as a rumored professional, evokes the oniony images. First off, it makes you cry. ha. What I’m after today are the peeling layers, ever-emergent, even at this stage. With a few weeks left before the audition, I have uncovered reassuring and familiar competencies to be sure. But […]

Vlog: flying with the cello and surgery Q & A!

Hey all: sorry to any of you who tried to watch this earlier and got no sound! I had to chop this into two halves rather inelegantly, but hopefully the content makes up for it. Zero stars to QuickTime for re-setting the poster frames to the two weirdest looking stills from each segment. The first […]

dammit, YouTube

In response to and support of GottaGoPractice’s Fauré efforts of the same ilk, I was posting “relaxed Dvorak” videos over on YouTube. This one ran longer than 10 minutes due to one particularly hammy cat whose name begins with an L and ends with “ucy”. So in lieu of busting out the ol’ Final Cut […]

Pretty good!

For those of you who aren’t doing the whole Twitter thing, a quick hello from ulnar recovery 2009! Right after the surgery, I could feel more of my pinky and ring fingers than I had in years. Still swollen and sore, but I have much optimism going forward. Ok. Enough one-handed typing for now. There […]

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