Things are starting to take shape, so I would like to officially announce my East coast teaching tour! If you’re in the DC area, PA, the Carolinas or Atlanta, hit me up at tour(at)emilywright(dot)net.

If you haven’t participated in an Emily tour yet, here’s the drill:

1) I offer private lessons one day and a seminar/group practice on another. Depending on who is attending, we’ll come up with a useful topic that will be appropriate for everyone involved. Beginners, have no fear! My advanced students are always working on fundamentals, as am I. Please participate!

2) I need about 6 participants in each city in order to consider it for a stop. Tuition is reasonable!

3) I am willing to barter to cover your tuition, so if you can offer me a discounted/free:

-rental car
-hotel room

Let me know. Click below for general information and pricing.

Tentative dates are March 1-8 2010. Starting in DC/Baltimore, working my way down to Atlanta, if possible. The amazing peeps of the Atlanta Cello Project are always wonderful, so I’m really going to try and get down there on this visit. If it ends up not working out in March, then you can be sure I’ll be around sooner rather than later. Still: let’s see if we can get some participation! I’m researching venues right now, and always appreciate all the help I can get in that department. I will be in Baltimore interviewing at Johns Hopkins, and they may also be able to accommodate us, depending on if I manage not to offend them too badly. If I get enough interest from an area, I will make a stop! So tell your friends, your private teachers (whom I would love to meet and talk shop with) and random people on the street who seem cello-y.

It’s on!

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4 Responses

  1. This is a revision to my prior post, which did not actually include a question!

    — prior post —
    I know this is a really dense question, but as I read your price sheet, there seem to be three events to consider:

    1) Private lesson
    2) Group Practice
    3) Seminar/Masterclass which is different than 2) but might be held immediately before or after 2)


    Is this the correct understanding?

  2. MT: Yep. But I'll hash it out with you guys on Wave over the next few days. 🙂

    Marianne: Welcome! I'm glad you posted a second comment on the education piece: I've gotten several phishing comments from far off places, and I can never be sure if it's from a well-intentioned distant reader or some crazy spamming anti-US computer bot! I don't have plans to go to Yemen, but if you ever make it stateside, let me know!

  3. No, I am not a crazy ant-US spammer, although that kind of made me giggle!

    I am actually an adult beginner, who picked up the cello in Yemen. I have a cello that was shipped to me from Stringworks, a violin teacher who was trained on the cello for one year in the Soviet Union, and a load of passion for the cello. And that's it. I would give anything for a proper teacher. I have been reading your blog for ages, but haven't been able to post to it because all posting instructions come up in Arabic. I finally figured out how to get around them, though.

    Now everything I am learning about the cello I am learning on the internet. Your blog and the CelloChat YouTube videos have been by far the most helpful.

    Any advice or suggestions would be well appreciated! By the way, I wish you the most speedy recovery on your arm!


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