Human Potential, by Stephen Wiltshire

We hear a lot about musical savants, but this guy’s gifts of perception are staggering. It does beg the tantalizing question of whether we have these abilities within ourselves but […]

Home before I know it.

Back in Rome again, with some random pictures from my week in Cacciano. Here’s Davi, a new friend. Looking down on the old castle streets. Everything they say about the […]

Postcards from the terrace

So far, so good, friends. The program I am taking part in is run by Mimi Zweig, the esteemed (yet not at all stuffy) professor of violin at Indiana University, […]

my blog, now with 115% more jet lag

Ciao from Rome! It’s nice that the folks at IMA Tuscany found a cello for me to use. An unexpected tribulation: my bow case doesn’t fit in my suitcase and […]

due giorni

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I recently asserted (after a long period of not much tweeting) that my life is on fire. And indeed it is. […]

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