new directions in creepy medical imaging

Preface: unless you are an MD with extensive experience treating chronic pain, do not comment with a diagnostic or treatment plan, or encourage me to do things like  forego gluten […]

the long and (re)winding road, part 3

A slight rewind. On October 20, 1997, my parents and I were in a car accident. They had come into LA to celebrate my birthday, and as we crossed Nordhoff […]

the long and winding road, part 2

Pictured: Cathy and Doug (middle two) on their wedding day. Oxford, England, 1967. Part 2. Through high school, things got worse. My parents had Kaiser, so I was confined to the Kaiser […]

the long and winding road, part 1

I had a lot of time to think, driving back and forth from Heartland SCOR this weekend. It’s about 12 hours round trip from Minneapolis to Le Claire, Iowa. This […]

music doctor

I still keep a paper calendar. Then, at the end of a year, no matter what sort of tire fire I’ve created, I can physically leaf through the months and […]


I’ve been largely resting my arm since February, playing with students and practicing in 20 minute increments. Although it hurt after each session, it would quickly fade and seemed receptive […]

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